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Opera 11 / 12
ФокусникДата: Пятница, 22.10.2010, 00:38:38 | Сообщение # 1

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 8027
Статус: OFF-Line

Opera 12.14 Final

В преддверии рождественских и новогодних праздников компания Opera Software сделала отличный подарок всем своим пользователям, выпустив конечную версию своего браузера Opera 11. Несмотря на наличие множества новых функций, дистрибутив новой версии на 30% меньше инсталлятора предыдущей версии.

Одно из главных нововведений одиннадцатой версииулучшенный механизм управления открытыми вкладками. Теперь открытые вкладки можно объединять в группы (стеки). Для создания группы достаточно перетащить одну вкладку поверх другой.

Второе ключевое новшество – поддержка расширений (плагинов). Ране Opera поддерживала лишь мини-приложения – виджеты, теперь же возможности настройки и персонализации браузера гораздо шире.

За время бета-тестирования Opera 12 было представлено около двух сотен расширений, наиболее популярными из которых являются плагины для автоматического заполнения форм и запоминания паролей, для предварительного просмотра изображений, для перевода web-страниц, для загрузки видео с YouTube.

Важно, что установленные плагины могут загружаться не при каждом открытии браузера, а по требованию пользователя. По заявлению разработчиков, это может ускорить производительность Opera до 30 процентов.

Еще одна новинка, ожидающая пользователей Opera 12 – визуальные жесты мыши. При помощи жестов можно выполнять самые разные действия: переходить на предыдущую страницу, открывать новые страницы, закрывать вкладки и т.д. Теперь при включении этой функции все выполняемые действия гораздо более наглядные.

В Opera 12 также была изменена адресная строка. Благодаря этому с первого взгляда на нее можно определить, насколько безопасным является открываемый сайт. В адресной строке теперь можно увидеть уровень безопасности сайта, а также щелкнуть по этому значку, чтобы увидеть более подробную информацию о ресурсе.

Скачать Opera 12.14 Final для Windows, Mac и Linux можно здесь.

Как создавать приложения для Opera 12:

1. Получите подробную информацию и инструкции по адресу: http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/introduction-to-opera-extensions
2. Разработайте своё расширение с использованием общих веб-стандартов, таких как HTML5, JavaScript и CSS
3. Загрузите созданное расширение на сайт http://addons.labs.opera.com

Opera проверяет и тестирует все расширения перед тем как открыть к ним публичный доступ.

Opera также выпустила открытый интерфейс API для технологии синхронизации данных Opera Link. Используя этот API, разработчики могут интегрировать данные Opera Link с другими онлайновыми сервисами и реализовывать приложения с библиотеками Java и Python.

Turbobit | hitfile | Курсы обмена эл. валют | Star Citizen - регистрация

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ФокусникДата: Суббота, 30.06.2012, 13:53:24 | Сообщение # 51

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 8027
Статус: OFF-Line
Download - Opera 12.01-1491


CORE-47179 Loading stops at "Document 100%"
CORE-44834 Calling console.log when assigned to a variable doesn't work
CORE-47149 Reduced memory usage for Speed Dial thumbnails

DSK-366487 Theme related crash
DSK-364350 Crash on resizing semi-restored tab
DSK-366436 Crash after dragging tabs that were stacked
DSK-365506 Search engine favicons do not follow redirects
DSK-365349 Crash on startup with specific profile
DSK-366959 Notifications not displayed after disabling "Special effects"
DSK-365854 Text with Certificate errors in Security Issue dialog displayed improperly
DSK-361707 Favicons are squeezed too much when many tabs are opened
DSK-368327 Crash when you install a theme, undo and install again
DSK-366152 [Unix] Opera will not start if it does not have permission to read ~/.kde
DSK-366163 [Unix] Avoid reloading the entire skin when a native dialog is opened on KDE
DSK-359276 [Unix] Opera crashes on exit or paste in kiosk mode
DSK-365352 [Unix] Opera crashes when printing after print preview
DSK-365638 [Mac] Wrong icon file name for Update.app

DSK-366475 Mail crash
DSK-366396 Inserted image in e-mail compose doesn't show up
DSK-353798 Feed folder cannot be deleted after deleting all feeds in it
DSK-364227 Reopening mail window from closed tabs doesn't open message
DSK-351819 Chat "Send" button doesn't work twice
DSK-365495 When searching for messages the list scrolls to the top all the time
DSK-365625 Sorting by message subject is broken
DSK-360997 2nd message selected when switching to view where no message was selected earlier
DSK-366121 Not all inline images are showing in HTML mail
DSK-364964 Opera asks to set itself as a default mail client if installed for current user only
DSK-362064 "Show message thread" icon turns blue (active) when in an empty access point
DSK-364018 "Customize..." on mail headers sometimes displays "Appearance" dialog instead
DSK-365435 Option to load mail databases synchronously: opera:config#Mail|LoadMailDatabasesAsynchronously
CORE-47172 Mail related freeze

Turbobit | hitfile | Курсы обмена эл. валют | Star Citizen - регистрация

Как передать файл через торрент без трекера | Правила добавления тем на форуме | Какие ссылки разрешены на форуме
ФокусникДата: Четверг, 19.07.2012, 02:26:15 | Сообщение # 52

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 8027
Статус: OFF-Line
Download - Opera 12.50-1497

Windows 32-bit / Windows 64-bit
Mac (Universal Binary 32/64-bit)

Integrate with OS X 10.8’s Notification Center
DSK-364433 Changes and fixes to master password

Support Clipboard API
Support a set of -webkit- prefixed CSS properties
New keyboard events implementation
New DOM Ranges implementation
Many stability improvements
CORE-8560 Don't let favicons delay document loading
CORE-43644 Crash if source document ends with unclosed comment
CORE-44583 Do not ignore scripts that take longer than 30 seconds to load
CORE-41304 Change generated document’s doctype to HTML5 variant
CORE-36588 Expose document.contentType
CORE-21597 Auto table-layout algorithm applies word-wrap property for minimum content width
CORE-31596 Fixed-layout table with percentual-width columns with total percentage exceeding 100 displayed wrong in Opera
CORE-44143 Height attribute on TD not ignored when set to 0
CORE-42981 inserAdjacentHTML doesn' work for display:table body
CORE-44041 Slow scrolling on Google Mail
CORE-40077 getAttribute on namespaced attribute in XHR response can fail
CORE-41834 Percentage text-indent in shrink-to-fit container misbehaves
CORE-43350 Layout memory optimizations
CORE-44519 Crash while running CSS Animations when opening Dragonfly
CORE-39715 SVG background image can not show when the file has been invoked as foreground image
CORE-41226 -o-transition* drops the inherit value
CORE-44102 Incorrect SVG bbox on parent (group) when animating (SMIL/JS) transform of child
CORE-44582 registerProtocolHandler doesn't have "mms" and "webcal" in whitelist
CORE-44705 Text element with text-overflow set to ellipsis is not correctly centered if text-anchor="middle"
CORE-44568 XHR2: onloadstart event is invoked after onloadend event if abort is called immediately after send
CORE-43426 Setting outline shorthand to none does not prevent focus highlight
CORE-43988 Out of memory when assigning invalid radial gradients to list-style-image through the DOM
CORE-40477 SVG text-decoration doesn't disappear when animated, or after hover/active/focus
CORE-43897 Crash when dividing by zero while parsing a SVG image
CORE-44910 Can not paste into textarea after focus was in iframe
CORE-45078 When dragging a selection from some editable element to the editable element in other document the wrong drop effect is used
CORE-45016 gb18030: 0x7F should become U+007F, not U+FFFD
CORE-45055 TABLE as child of HTML and no BODY in quirks mode gets a random color
CORE-45116 MENU and DIR had 40px margin-left instead of 40px padding-left.
CORE-45056 frames+[].filter.call just returns empty array
CORE-45054 postMessage, Object.getPrototypeOf issue
CORE-31502 Text doesn't wrap in Hootsuite.com's textarea
CORE-45134 Exclude elements with empty names & ids from a window's named properties
CORE-43932 JavaScript URIs are no longer allowed to load framed content
CORE-44428 documentedit 'justifyfull' on hidden element crashes
CORE-45057 Incorrect upper bound used when JIT inlining String.fromCharCode()
CORE-40213 Delete private data does not always clean up cache
CORE-44753 Absolutely positioned inline-table becomes block, not table
CORE-44826 Transitioning background-color from transparent to color ends up with the wrong color value
CORE-44789 Accessor property behaviour with primitives is incorrect
CORE-44788 INPUT type=number snap-on-step behaviour
CORE-44737 transform-origin should reject value it doesn't understand
CORE-44994 loading page when in print preview crashes browser
CORE-42405 Selected text is not copied after parts of selection has changed
CORE-44604 impactless input events should not be sent
CORE-42813 Discrete to-animation with keyTimes should change value at specified time
CORE-21153 opera:config spoof user-agent able to save invalid values
CORE-24352 Prevent accidentally scaling when scrolling on slow pages
CORE-43508 BASE element ignored in document.baseURI if file sent with non-xhtml + xml mime-type
CORE-43509 xml:base does not take precedence over BASE in document.baseURI
CORE-34528 recognizes colspan/rowspan attributes on all elements with display: table-cell
CORE-44659 `Syntax error: invalid character escape sequence` when using a \u200d valid JavaScript identifier
CORE-44650 Drag prevents keyboard shortcuts from working when focus is in an editable region
CORE-19324 Empty inline-table (with non-zero width/height) not displayed
CORE-44654 omitted MIME type in data URLs with charset parameter does not work
CORE-44916 Date.prototype.setXXX functions don't evaluate all parameters
CORE-44914 Don't add KeyboardEvent when initializing DOM constructors table
CORE-24962 Accesskeys assigned to element created by javascript do not work
CORE-45024 BUTTON doesn't always get full focus when clicked
CORE-44992 Pasting text using keyboard shortcut works erratically
CORE-44985 The modifiers keys have no effect when dragging over the UI e.g. address bar
CORE-44931 body background overwritten by second body
CORE-5774 after send() is invoked a single readystatechange event is to be dispatched
CORE-26489 NodeList returned by querySelectorAll does not inherit from NodeList

Turbobit | hitfile | Курсы обмена эл. валют | Star Citizen - регистрация

Как передать файл через торрент без трекера | Правила добавления тем на форуме | Какие ссылки разрешены на форуме
ФокусникДата: Суббота, 28.07.2012, 02:30:39 | Сообщение # 53

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 8027
Статус: OFF-Line
Opera 12.01-1528 Release Candidate



Localization updates
CORE-44428 documentedit 'justifyfull' on hidden element crashes
CORE-47339 Nested redirected call handling breaks Disqus
CORE-45094 Crash on loading svg altglyph testcase / rotate on altGlyph doesn't work
CORE-40939 Crash when spatnaving to designMode iframe inside another iframe
CORE-45057 Crash: Incorrect upper bound used when JIT inlining String.fromCharCode()
CORE-45547 Redefining special properties using Object.defineProperty() breaks
CORE-43111 Calling iframe.documentContent.open() and then ifram.documentContent.getItems() causes a crash
CORE-45593 Freeze on gif file due to LzwStringTable circular reference
CORE-46780 Corruption in persistent storage files on exit (extension preferences and Web storage)
CORE-47414 Secure connection: fatal error (50)
DSK-365353 Clicking search suggestion takes you to the wrong page
DSK-366279 Adress bar inline auto completion prefers shortest domain
DSK-370690 KDE file selector dialog freezes Opera
DSK-370710 Sending messages doesn't increase counter of sent mails
DSK-367651 Opera minimizes when clicking the new tab button with a custom skin installed
DSK-369308 Mail layout changes on changing UI language

Turbobit | hitfile | Курсы обмена эл. валют | Star Citizen - регистрация

Как передать файл через торрент без трекера | Правила добавления тем на форуме | Какие ссылки разрешены на форуме
ФокусникДата: Пятница, 03.08.2012, 00:50:15 | Сообщение # 54

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 8027
Статус: OFF-Line
Opera 12.01 security and stability release

Выпущено обновление норвежского браузера Opera. Оно исправляет многочисленные ошибки, обнаруженные после выхода финального релиза. Также закрыты уязвимости в системе безопасности. Среди улучшений стоит отметить уменьшение затрат памяти на визуализацию эскизов страниц, исправления ошибок входа на twitter.com, улучшение алгоритма автозаполнения.

Opera 12 была выпущена в середине июня. Главными нововведениями стали добавление тем, поддержка веб-камеры в веб-приложениях, улучшение функций, имеющих отношение к безопасности. А именно: в адресной строке был добавлен наглядный значок, показывающий, является ли соединение безопасным, является ли сайт доверенным, и пр. Там же можно увидеть, использует ли сайт информацию о местоположении и имеет ли доступ к веб-камере. Opera 12 также более стабильна за счет того, что каждый плагин запускается в виде отдельного процесса.

Windows | Mac | Linux/FreeBSD


Страница загрузки для выбора версий


Turbobit | hitfile | Курсы обмена эл. валют | Star Citizen - регистрация

Как передать файл через торрент без трекера | Правила добавления тем на форуме | Какие ссылки разрешены на форуме
ФокусникДата: Суббота, 04.08.2012, 19:58:11 | Сообщение # 55

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 8027
Статус: OFF-Line


  • Windows 32-bit / Windows 64-bit

  • Mac (Universal Binary 32/64-bit)

  • Linux/FreeBSD

  • Some highlights

    DSK-365046 Show extension download progress
    DSK-358198 [Mail] Display date group header when scrolling
    DSK-370118 Closed tabs don't go to closed tabs history
    DSK-370089 Tabs set to "No images" when upgrading from previous build
    DSK-346772 Plugin shown in the wrong window after detaching
    DSK-167121 Poor visibility of search results in source viewer and text fields
    DSK-234254 Focus set to zoom, not document when switching tab or closing Dragonfly
    DSK-364455 iTunes won't open
    CORE-47649 Numpad shortcut keys do not work
    DSK-370622 Display of shortcuts broken in context menus
    DSK-369760 RTL interface broken
    DSK-370265 [Mac] Swipe gestures don't work
    CORE-47720 [*nix] Typing letters in a Flash element with wmode transparent or opaque types numbers instead
    DSK-369709 Pressing Enter to select entry from dropdown field doesn't work
    DSK-369606 Cannot change the size of any resizable UI element
    DSK-369608 Shortcuts for creating private tab or private window creates 2 tabs or 2 windows
    DSK-369883 Ctrl+Shift+I opens/closes Dragonfly, but also activates tab switch functionality

    CORE-42676 Drawing issue with transitions with transform scale and absolute positioning
    CORE-44433 Absolute-positioned child of relative element leaves repaint traces
    CORE-46956 Dragged content is cropped when dragging while zoomed in on page
    CORE-47059 WebGL demo "renderscenetexture" doesn't load in Opera
    CORE-46780 Persistent storage file corrupted during shutdown
    CORE-46811 -o-background-size:100% 100% wraps image
    CORE-46758 Timestamp with <3 digits for milliseconds not parsed
    CORE-6098 Adding optgroups using 'add' doesn't work
    CORE-46744 Corrupted fonts in Opera if path contains non-alfanumeric US-ASCII chars
    CORE-15706 Flash of Unstyled Content (wrong font) effect on pages with webfonts
    CORE-46666 WebGL GLSL parsing error at glsl.heroku.com
    CORE-46682 JS innerText doesn't generate '\n' from <br> characters on read
    CORE-46565 Inconsistency in behavior while copying from read-only text widgets
    CORE-46569 Error pages are unstyled after visiting local web server
    CORE-46673 Drag and drop is left in a wrong state if drag is cancelled while selection is dragged outside browser window
    CORE-43823 Extra space under video when fit to height
    CORE-46732 tab.postMessage(foo); does not work after the page in the tab is changed
    CORE-46593 New prefs - "First Update Delay" and "First Styled Update Delay" - to control repaint of pages
    CORE-46148 WebGL: Z fighting due to missing polygonOffset() support
    CORE-46475 Preselected SVG text is not draggable
    CORE-46211 getUserMedia should fail if camera is not available
    CORE-41241 Gradients with certain angles cause unpainted garbage areas on 32-bit
    CORE-46002 Bounding box is wrong for boxes with box-shadow, causing updating bugs
    CORE-30946 Remove the crypto strength token from the UA string
    CORE-30998 Remove the UI language from the UA string
    CORE-46283 Change event is not fired when dropping into input controls
    CORE-46238 Wrong colors in Canvas demo
    CORE-46297 Can't tab out of select form element
    CORE-30713 Using location.replace() to change location.hash shouldn't add history entries
    CORE-46326 XHR: remove Content-Transfer-Encoding and add DNT to setRequestHeader() restrictions
    CORE-45866 Cursor fails to move up/down with pageup/down actions once entering editable container overflowing viewport
    CORE-45955 Spatnav goes off screen in link list after zoom
    CORE-46144 Some CSS values only handle 32 characters
    CORE-45233 CSS rem unit does not respect "Minimum font size" setting
    CORE-46233 Setting the onload handler of scripts to a string should set it to be null, not parse the string as a function
    CORE-44928 Baselines don't line up when font switching in alt text
    CORE-46087 Wrong text rendering in elements with transform: rotate(180deg) or scale(-1)
    CORE-43500 Aligh UTF-16 detection with Trident/WebKit
    CORE-45979 Negative canvas shadowOffsetX/Y is off by one
    CORE-46146 Gaussian blur renders with an offset error after first load of a page in HWA builds
    CORE-45295 JSON.stringify() failure on cached number conversion
    CORE-45896 Frame-Options error page link does not include fragment
    CORE-45912 local keyword not allowed in background shorthand
    CORE-45883 Introduce drag start movement threshold to avoid accidental drag
    CORE-45672 MHTML and mail print fails, only header/footer showing (object with height:-o-content-size is not displayed)
    CORE-45653 `Array.apply(null, [,])` returns `[]` in Opera, `[undefined]` in Chrome, Firefox
    CORE-14140 isPointInPath with points on the path
    CORE-43687 Cursor fails to move up/down once entering editable container overflowing viewport
    CORE-45588 Spatial navigation not working properly on initially focused empty element
    CORE-45636 Opacity doesn't apply correctly on children to hidden inlines
    CORE-45650 Incorrect TypedArray#set behavior
    CORE-44859 Allow sites to enable x-domain window.onerror information (implement <script crossorigin>)
    CORE-45645 Date and High Number - return something meaningful
    CORE-45678 Visibility toggling removes inputs from Tab key navigation
    CORE-45686 Skin radius is used wrong on background and border
    CORE-45664 box-shadow: inherit treated as invalid
    CORE-36850 Bogus "x-euc-jp" charset tag not handled
    CORE-44881 Mousemove events sometimes report wrong screen coordinates (image panning jumps around)
    CORE-26623 Repeated SVG in <img>s does not display until reload
    CORE-44188 Input blur event is not captured in iframes using Tab key
    CORE-44808 Array.prototype.reverse handling of holes w/ prototypes having indexed properties
    CORE-43450 Video controls don't follow keyboard tab cycle correctly when video is only Tab-able element on page
    CORE-45584 Selection in number input cleared when other input is focused
    CORE-45492 Wrong computed style for -o-animation when duration has default value
    CORE-45498 Wrong computed style for -o-animation with value "none, none"
    CORE-45497 -o-animation-duration computed style missing comma when having multiple values
    CORE-45424 Scrolling on <input type="number"> does not respect the step
    CORE-45522 Scroll event not fired on window object in SVG document
    CORE-41681 Media controls position/duration field sometimes cropped
    CORE-74 Clicking link to "#" adds a history entry even when URL already ends with #
    CORE-45530 Remove remnants of VBScript hack (was needed back in the IE6 days)
    CORE-45440 Don't throw document's URL out of the cache immediately before using it
    CORE-45185 Can't close Dragonfly window and extension pop-ups on Desktop (uses window.close())
    CORE-44652 SVG Text element with text-overflow set to ellipsis is not animated correctly
    CORE-32453 Navigating to different page after scrolling in RTL document shows parts of previous page
    CORE-44912 Baselines don't line up when font switching in Canvas
    CORE-32979 (new Image) not instanceof Image (and similar for Audio and Option)
    CORE-45318 Regression: Drag and drop of selection from number input and/or nested frames
    CORE-45155 Unexpected behaviour of F7 in MHTML files
    CORE-47549 Copying text from readonly input fields no longer possible
    CORE-47565 Uploading zip files results in file with size 0
    CORE-47699 Ctrl+Space shortcut to go to homepage doesn't work on Speed Dial page
    CORE-47701 Pressing space to open focused dropdown field doesn't work

    Site compatibility
    CORE-46791 Drop prefixes for CSS Transitions, Animations and Transforms
    CORE-46968 Inset box-shadow is misrendered when box has border
    CORE-31145 Negative blur radius should make shadow properties invalid
    CORE-26856 CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage() fails to draw SVG images referenced by <img>
    CORE-46892 ascii.io doesn't work in Opera
    CORE-35269 Meta refresh without URL parameter should not take base HREF into account
    CORE-46901 Upload via drag and drop does not work on minus.com
    CORE-46792 animation-direction should accept reverse and alternate-reverse
    CORE-45651 Percentage height on nested elements causes overlapped content at top-menage.com
    CORE-46110 Fixed position prevents overflow clipping of the absolutely positioned sibling (embedded Bing map overflows other content on page)
    CORE-46918 rae-aschaffenburg.de - a:hover on float
    CORE-45341 getBoundingClientRect() returns all 0's for an inline element with a negative margin-right at the end of its parent
    CORE-42934 Should not encode backslash (U+005C) in query part of URL
    CORE-25834 self.WorkerGlobalScope is undefined - missing interface object
    CORE-41499 List-item with text-align justify can get spacing in front of the first line
    CORE-45327 Text inside OL -> LIs does not wrap if preceded by any block-level element. UL -> LIs are unaffected
    CORE-45135 Content too far to the right at kramerelectronics.com
    CORE-33735 Normalize CR and LF in textarea.value to LF
    CORE-46429 onload not fired for innerHTML img not added to document tree
    CORE-45552 Remove support for recognizing versions in javascript MIME types
    CORE-39034 We do not send change events on enter if submit button is input type=image
    CORE-43760 Broken dropdown menu on Facebook, doesn't allow overflowing nowrap linebox next to float
    CORE-13109 [DOM4] getAttribute() should dispatch on Qname
    CORE-43199 Opera should not show loading indication for images not in the DOM
    CORE-35005 Clicking links on "visualizing Japanese grammar" site fails - wrong decoding of javascript: URL in UTF-16 page
    CORE-42782 raphaeljs.com - relative height in SVG attribute not the same as CSS property
    CORE-40747 Width of SVG image with fixed height measured incorrectly for min/max width propagation
    CORE-36093 Remove handling of percentages as intrinsic widths/heights (SVG height="100%" width="100%" defaults)
    CORE-45463 embed and object are treated differently when it comes to SVG sizing
    CORE-46370 Reading "frames" crossdomain should not throw
    CORE-46355 Float breaks line despite white-space:nowrap being specified
    CORE-30346 Smarter protection of window.parent, window.top (File/Folder hierarchy is not shown at skydrive.live.com)
    CORE-44792 Inline resource has different caching behavior from appended resource
    CORE-38525 Bottom aligned abspos propagates its bounding box too early when being pulled up during the reflow
    CORE-43666 unload not fired for nested frameset if parent frameset is replaced
    CORE-39007 Endless reload at Wikimedia - document.referrer not updated with location.href
    CORE-45238 Inline resource has different caching behavior from appended resource
    CORE-31511 Variable declarations inside eval'ed code should shadow native window properties
    CORE-44190 DuckDuckGo dropdown menu renders with glitches on mouse hover
    CORE-38697 < entity in XML node's attribute value serialized as < (Cloud9 IDE hangs during load)
    CORE-40201 window.open("", "_self") on clicking link prevents page navigation
    CORE-46314 Yandex mailbox not loading
    CORE-46309 BR doesn't contribute to the bounding box (for scrolling)
    OTW-8119 Files drag and drop at dropmocks.com doesn't work
    CORE-46713 JSLinux not booting
    CORE-42819 Unable to go to the next page on stores.ebay.com; security check on setting document.domain inside IFRAME
    CORE-46657 Invalid date format on Bank of Montreal site because we throw RegExp syntax error for (?:)?
    CORE-46437 Inserting option into optgroup with whitespace inside select with multiple fails
    CORE-46244 Scaling up an image results in ever increasing inaccuracy
    CORE-46513 insertRule throws if index is undefined; breaks login for some Zimbra versions
    CORE-46430 Om Nom on CutTheRope.ie is gone
    CORE-46299 JavaScript window.location.href issue
    CORE-46034 Selection fails to update when caret is placed with mouse clicks
    CORE-44594 Unable to click button link with SVG background
    CORE-46077 word-wrap doesn't work anymore
    CORE-45568 Setting width to 'inherit' after setting fixed width on positioned element makes it too wide; causes flicker and too wide menus on regentcinemas.com.au
    CORE-45915 Gmail attachment column shows only "undefined"
    CORE-43690 Element inside display:none element steals focus
    CORE-45633 'in' operator inside for pre-expression (Microsoft Ajax Minifier output breaks jQuery on opendataforafrica.org)
    CORE-45475 dojo AMD loader - WRONG_THIS_ERR
    CORE-44728 Ignore whitespace in option when searching for keyboard matches
    CORE-45388 Nothing is displayed except top stories and advertisers when logging in at aol.com
    CORE-45093 Unable to log in at yandex.ru
    CORE-45025 Unable to click rich text buttons in Gmail
    CORE-41623 document.referrer empty when embedding other origin IFRAMEs
    CORE-45138 useMap attribute should not be resolved
    CORE-45173 Registering web handlers makes browser unusable after restart
    CORE-43385 Remove document.charset
    CORE-45218 Can't report problem with Google Maps

    CORE-46526 Improve performance of SVG animateMotion
    CORE-45432 Leaving page with many frames takes a long time (temporary freeze)
    CORE-46884 Slow performance with CSS3 transitioned images
    CORE-45083 Increase Vega performance by triangulating simple polygons
    CORE-45491 Optimizations of bilinear interpolation in Vega
    CORE-45687 Performance: Setting style through DOM causes unnecessary property reloads
    CORE-45874 High memory use when handing Canvas in some situations
    CORE-46928 NSL with Delayed Script Execution enabled
    CORE-37129 High CPU/NSL on some sites (window.constructor is Object object)
    CORE-45142 Speed up area traversing with positioned elements
    CORE-46308 Avoid creating opacity layers for SVG line elements with opacity
    CORE-45472 Optimization of the Vega (software) rasterizer
    CORE-43184 demo.zarafa.com freezes when using a non-English language
    CORE-45748 Implement fast path for box shadows with uniform border radius
    CORE-45075 "Army of the Immortals" is slow
    CORE-45553 SVG freeze when transforming an empty bbox and then using the result
    CORE-45284 Freeze when border-left-width or border-right-width is zero
    CORE-45383 Slower to parse a function with many integers than it used to be
    CORE-45337 Optimizations for Vega radial gradients
    CORE-45277 Spatial navigation lockup
    CORE-44725 Implement assembler optimized versions of pixel handling bottle necks

    Numerous crash fixes not detailed below
    DSK-366433 Opera crashes on Google search
    CORE-47029 Crash at Lenovo "Shop now"
    CORE-47026 Form crash in extensions
    CORE-46764 Rich text editing (text selection) crash
    CORE-46798 An animation may crash when corresponding keyframe rule has been deleted
    CORE-46947 Crash on setting xhr.responseType in UNSENT state
    CORE-46467 Crash after Delete Private Data
    CORE-45525 Crash on trying to draw some SVG content into Canvas
    CORE-46552 Opera crashes when accidentally creating infinite arrays
    CORE-46369 WebGL GLSL conformance test crashes Opera
    CORE-46399 Crash on blogger
    CORE-46192 Crash when pasting into frameset
    CORE-46115 Crash running CSS animation on root element
    CORE-46093 Crash in XML parser when xlink:href in SVG is redirected back to the referring document
    CORE-46230 documentedit 'justifyfull' on hidden element crashes
    CORE-46038 [WebGL] Renderbuffer initialization crash
    CORE-46023 [WebGL] glsl-function-nodes test crashes Opera
    CORE-45869 Crash when dragging selection out of number input
    CORE-45998 QR-code reader page consistently crashes Opera
    CORE-45772 Crash on accessing properties of drag&drop dataTransfer object after drag finished
    CORE-45932 Document edit crash when making an element non-editable
    CORE-45632 Crash when saving to full disk
    CORE-45628 Crash on switching back from print preview when page uses style background:url and an image element
    CORE-43131 Thumbnail generation crashes on shutdown
    CORE-45272 SVG altGlyph crash
    CORE-45087 Crash on tylda.com
    CORE-40844 Crash referencing a radialGradient outside a valid SVG-fragment
    CORE-46908 TextSelection being modified after releasing it
    CORE-45420 Crash on certificate installation
    CORE-44135 SVG document.querySelector('textPath') crash
    CORE-45281 Crash when dragenter is paused by a dialog
    CORE-45587 Crash on pretty-printing script in Dragonfly
    CORE-47618 Crashes when going to fullscreen in embedded Flash player
    CORE-46136 Incorrect handling of non-numeric operands involving immediates
    CORE-45326 Memory leaks at soft.mydiv.net

    Standards support
    CORE-46830 FileList spec compliance
    CORE-43603 Opera does not follow WebGL spec for behavior of activeTexture()
    CORE-46725 Update SharedWorker connect events to use .source
    CORE-42041 Remove input.selectedOption
    CORE-46870 Drop Voice XML, CSS Speech, etc. support
    CORE-43592 Serialize HTML tree with trimming by text selection
    CORE-46783 WebGL constants aren't set on interface object and its prototype
    CORE-46274 WebGL 1.0.1 - DOM API for compressed texture formats
    CORE-46271 WebGL 1.0.1 - long uniform array name
    CORE-46210 WebGL 1.0.1 - attrib location length limit
    CORE-46251 WebGL 1.0.1 - vertex shader with uniform variable in loop condition should fail
    CORE-45529 WebGL 1.0.1 - Uint8ClampedArray: Storing 0.6: expected 1, got 0
    CORE-45528 WebGL 1.0.1 - Construction of huge typed arrays should throw exception
    CORE-46306 WebGL 1.0.1 - shader with struct nesting less than maximum in WebGL spec should succeed
    CORE-46145 Constrain Worker importScripts() over files
    CORE-24217 max-height ignored for display: table elements
    CORE-46728 RegExp construcor does not throw exception
    CORE-46726 Node.replaceChild sometimes throws an element
    CORE-45319 Change our implementation of the resolution media query to use CSS units
    CORE-46640 Processing instructions are not "instanceof ProcessingInstruction"
    CORE-46573 Structured cloning of object property attributes
    CORE-46575 Missing WorkerLocation stringifier
    CORE-46645 Introduce support for the dppx unit
    CORE-46424 Add ProgressEvent constructor
    CORE-46225 Removed attributes from WebForms2 Repeat support still remain
    CORE-46450 Handling of form-related enumeration-valued properties
    CORE-35527 It's not possible to clear value of 'input' element with 'type' attribute set to 'datetime' or 'datetime-local'
    CORE-46333 Indirect eval with strict eval code sets incorrect ThisBinding
    CORE-46396 History replaceState and pushState treats specified null and undefined URL arguments as URL strings
    CORE-46358 Correctly redefine a function's 'prototype' property
    CORE-46163 Too loose type checking in WebGL DOM bindings for isBlah() functions
    CORE-17944 XMLHttpRequest cannot use setRequestHeader('Range','bytes=1-6')
    CORE-23623 innerHTML/outerHTML serialization of pre, listing, textarea should start with \n
    CORE-45840 Remove handling of 5-/6-byte UTF-8 sequences
    CORE-45652 Dropzone attribute changes in HTML5 Drag and Drop specification
    CORE-4336 Setting innerHTML in XML
    CORE-44513 Setting <input type=file>.value to the empty string should unselect the files
    CORE-45517 Implement TypedArray slice()
    CORE-45573 Date.prototype.toJSON spec compliance
    CORE-41930 Percentage max-height/min-height that should use content edge as containing block use border edge instead
    CORE-2429 Remove listeners in removeEventListener immediately and implement Event.stopImmdiatePropagation
    CORE-40915 Support HTML5's isProtocolHandlerRegistered(), isContentHandlerRegistered(), unregisterProtocolHandler() and unregisterContentHandler() methods
    CORE-45169 document.createTouchList() only allows creation of empty lists
    CORE-31401 Implement CSSOM View matchMedia() method

    DSK-362460 Loading of resources much slower in Opera 12 beta than Opera 11.6x
    CORE-40239 Result set to FAILED on empty response of an XHR
    CORE-46921 JS reformatter of debugger breaks code with single line comments
    CORE-45081 contentLength is not available when contentLength header was not set in response
    CORE-37213 Does not give events for requests for appcache manifest files
    CORE-45365 Interaction with file field elements
    CORE-36517 Show window.load and domContentLoaded triggers
    CORE-41612 Add the extension name (or id) to the injected scripts
    CORE-45702 Opening brace should be on the same line in pretty-printed code
    CORE-43667 [Dragonfly] Use UPnP to discover Dragonfly instances
    CORE-45851 Style declaration for border-*-radius values set to 0 returned as "0" instead of "0px"
    CORE-26961 Reformat (pretty print) code before generating JS debug info

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    ФокусникДата: Среда, 15.08.2012, 00:46:31 | Сообщение # 56

    Группа: Администраторы
    Сообщений: 8027
    Статус: OFF-Line

  • Windows 32-bit / Windows 64-bit
  • Mac (Universal Binary 32/64-bit)
  • Linux/FreeBSD

  • Changelog

    Tweaks for "First Update Delay" (the longest we are prepared to wait for unstyled content) and "Styled First Update Timeout" (how long we want to delay styled paints to ensure that as much content as possible is there once we paint)
    Fixed several out-of-process plugin crashes
    DSK-361253 Work required to get Web Handlers working (register web protocol/content handlers)
    DSK-357993 [Mac] Implement share sheets
    DSK-369986 Opera crashes after showing two or more pop-up blocked dialogs
    DSK-369617 Add "Allow access to the clipboard" to site prefs (set access individually for each site)
    DSK-370705 Crash when using HSLA in SVG stroke attribute
    DSK-369822 Ctrl+Enter is not working for sending e-mail
    DSK-369207 Speed Dial thumnails reload from disk when zooming/scaling is set to automatic
    DSK-369987 Sound setting (Prefs > Advanced > Content) doesn't work, and should be removed

    Drag and Drop
    DSK-370931 Cannot save image by dragging it to desktop on Windows XP
    DSK-357573 Crash when tab goes missing
    DSK-323920 Placing the address field search box from Appearance > Buttons on the Tab bar makes the tab bar unusable
    DSK-369329 Scrolling textarea with mouse area while dragging text not possible
    DSK-369375 When tab is dragged away from tab bar, it should return to previous position until mouse button is released
    DSK-369376 Can't drop a tab onto stack extender
    DSK-370570 Dragging tab to 2nd row of tabs doesn't work
    DSK-369037 [Unix] Flip Forward causes drag state to be activated
    DSK-371175 [UNIX] Plus icons never appear while dragging links, and links do not open after dropping

    Several crash fixes
    CORE-40431 Drop prefixes on CSS3 Gradients
    CORE-47098 Speed up typed arrays
    CORE-36965 Fallback content from application cache takes too much time to load on going offline
    CORE-45071 Address field dropdown does not show matches for page titles or address for https pages or with no-store, no-cache
    CORE-47086 Master password issues on desktop (non-latin passwords, dialog on opera:config#SecurityPrefs|UseParanoidMailpassword, honor opera:config#SecurityPrefs|PasswordLifetime)
    CORE-43827 [Dragonfly] Network Inspector sometimes hides initial redirect
    CORE-46953 postMessage(.., "/") origin check must be against origining script's document.
    CORE-47056 input type=month returns incorrect value in its valueAsDate property on desktop
    CORE-47057 Border-radius in % doesn't clip replaced content
    CORE-46957 Improve d'n'd in contenteditable/designMode
    CORE-46462 Text is not moved but copied between contenteditable elements
    CORE-45741 Make range.intersectsNode(node) not throw but return true when parent of node is null
    CORE-29371 Text selection: Drag and drop of a word is not possible in rich text editing mode
    CORE-37556 Return statement from inner finally in nested try-finally block doesn't yield the given return value
    CORE-47074 Ordered lists should always use decimal characters for nonpositive indexes
    CORE-47205 Do not eagerly load images in detached documents
    CORE-47119 Rendering of negative numbers in ordered lists is incorrect when list-style-type='decimal-leading-zero'
    CORE-46067 Further improvements and optimizations of the fast path for box shadows (CORE- 45748)
    CORE-47219 Tuenti shows raw code
    CORE-44298 CSS files served with invalid Content-Type should only be applied in quirks mode, and only when they are same-origin
    CORE-47199 Function.length does not throw when writing in strict-mode despite [[Writable]]: false
    CORE-47255 Crash on mysparebrain.com
    CORE-47304 Drag and drop shouldn't be triggered when Ctrl+Alt are pressed
    CORE-39527 Improve memory usage when "new (function() { });" is run in JIT
    CORE-47241 Selecting between select field options starting with the same letter by pressing the letter multiple times fails
    CORE-46697 Make the implementations of suspendRedraw/unsuspendRedraw(All) no-ops
    CORE-47321 Panning with Ctrl+Alt stopped working.
    CORE-47251 Incorrect display of inline SVG with animation
    CORE-47258 Creating large WebGL canvases makes Linux systems with some Nvidia cards freeze for some seconds
    CORE-47268 Add support for -webkit-background-size

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    ФокусникДата: Вторник, 21.08.2012, 23:29:46 | Сообщение # 57

    Группа: Администраторы
    Сообщений: 8027
    Статус: OFF-Line
    Opera 12.02.1558 Final





    CORE-48069 Opera isn't connecting correctly to secure pages
    DSK-363864 Windows 8 identified to autoupdate as 7
    DSK-371969 Crash on selecting priority in mail compose

    Turbobit | hitfile | Курсы обмена эл. валют | Star Citizen - регистрация

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    ФокусникДата: Вторник, 28.08.2012, 01:08:50 | Сообщение # 58

    Группа: Администраторы
    Сообщений: 8027
    Статус: OFF-Line
    Opera 12.02.1565 RC1

    Windows 32-bit / Windows 64-bit
    Mac (Universal Binary 32/64-bit)

    DSK-368553 When navigating away from the first page opened in a tab, an extension loses information about the document inside the tab
    DSK-372113 Opera crashes if dragging a tab into a stack which contains another stack
    DSK-372317 [Windows] Windowless plugin painting messages can prevent Opera from exiting
    DSK-372168 [Linux/FreeBSD] Some plugins accessed via symlinks crash (e.g. Oracle Java), others cannot be found
    We're trying out a fix for some SSL connectivity problems, please watch out for any padlock issues

    Turbobit | hitfile | Курсы обмена эл. валют | Star Citizen - регистрация

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    ФокусникДата: Пятница, 31.08.2012, 19:49:39 | Сообщение # 59

    Группа: Администраторы
    Сообщений: 8027
    Статус: OFF-Line

    Turbobit | hitfile | Курсы обмена эл. валют | Star Citizen - регистрация

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    ФокусникДата: Воскресенье, 11.11.2012, 12:31:03 | Сообщение # 60

    Группа: Администраторы
    Сообщений: 8027
    Статус: OFF-Line
    12.10 Final released

    Кроме огромного количества исправленных ошибок, в браузере появились несколько нововведений, которые должны понравится всем.

    Теперь Opera поддерживает последнюю версию SPDY-протокола, с помощью которого снижается время загрузки веб-страниц и их элементов. Пока, данный протокол включен на сайтах Google и Twitter. Чтобы убедится в том, действительно ли сайт поддерживает работу с этим протоколом можно воспользоваться расширением SPDY indicator, который подсвечивается когда пользователь посещает сайт, на котором используется SPDY-протокол. Также есть экспериментальная поддержка SPDY для специального режима Turbo.

    В сфере расширений для разработчиков появились новые наборы интерфейсов: Context Menu API, Resource Loader API, Screenshot API, URL Filter API.

    Скачать программу

    Here are some other highlights in Opera 12.10:

    - SPDY support:
    Faster communication between the browser and the server, using SPDY.
    Popular sites like Gmail.com and Twitter.com already uses this technology. This is also available via Opera Turbo.
    - Fullscreen API:
    Supporting the new, Fullscreen API.  
    - ICC profiles:
    Opera now supports the color management of images using ICC profiles, which gives more vibrant and accurate colors.
    - Extensions:
    Extensions can now be added to Opera's context menus, and extensions can now only be installed from trusted web sites.
    - Windows 8 support:
    Now that Windows 8 is released, it's important to support the latest features, it's now possible to scroll, zoom etc with touch. As a bonus, this also works on Windows 7.
    - Mountain Lion support:
    Mountain Lion users will be able to use the built-in share function using Opera's Share button in the address bar, as well as see Opera notifications in the Notification Center.  
    - Retina on Mac:
    Opera on Mac now supports twice the pixel density, which will give much crisper text and with a new skin Opera looks better than ever.
    - Flexbox:
    Opera now supports Flexbox, an easier way to do page layouts.
    - Prefetch DNS
    Opera will now perform a DNS look-up when you hover a link, this can make the link load faster when it's clicked.

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